We Empower Investigative Journalism

investigativedata.io is an independent tech organization supporting journalists with a secure research platform and data engineering.

Investigative Data Journalism

Let our collaborations speak for us


Keep an eye on our meddling and musings about everything that happens in the world of investigative data journalism and Aleph here!

How can we support you?

Independent & Secure

Managed Research Platform

We provide a secure and independent research platform based off of Aleph that enables newsrooms to search in structured data, tons of documents and find new connections.

Journalism projects

Data Engineering

We help to put together all the datasets you need for an investigation. We build scrapers for public sources and maintain a comprehensive collection of datasets for common use.

Expert & Efficient


We have a decade of experience in investigative tech and know the constraints and workflows within news organizations. Whatever you need, we are happy to find the perfect solution for your next project.

About us

Who is behind all of that?

We get it, sometimes, it’s not just the service but the people behind it too! Get to know us more by exploring our projects and our values.